NAWBO provides resources that women need to grow their business!

August 16th After-Hours Networking Event

Posted on: August 1 2018 | Posted in: Past Events
August Networking Event!

NAWBO-NOLA's August evening event was held at SALA Restaurant and Bar in the lakefront area. We thought we all needed a summer cool down event and this fit the bill. Owner Joe Riccobono and his team treated us to a fabulous selection of cocktails (at happy hour 

pricing) and great food.


We fanned out at the venue with many of us at the bar, at tables and booths, and in the semi-private seating area. It was a relaxed event with many of our members and guests - many who had not been to one of our events before or had not attended in a long time. We enjoyed seeing and visiting with every single person who took time to attend!

The big win of the night involved our board members taking the time to introduce our new members and guests to other members and each other. We witnessed several commitments to follow-up to discuss future business collaboration opportunities. THIS is what NAWBO-NOLA is all about. This is how it happens!


Many thanks to Joe Riccobono of SALA for helping us make this such a great event!Please visit this lovely spot for drinks and appetizers, or for a fabulous meal. They are also open for lunch! Here is a link to check it out:


We hope to see you at our September event!

National Association of Women Business Owners New Orleans

NAWBO-NOLA is proud to be the premier organization supporting and representing the interests of women business owners. New Orleans, LA