January 2016 Educational Luncheon
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January 1 2016 | Posted in: Past Events
Learning has always been a passion which led Julie Stokes to her position as Louisiana Representative for District 79. As a CPA, Stokes brings a valuable perspective to her assignments on Ways & Means, Health & Welfare, Labor & Industrial Relations, the Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay, and also as Vice Chair of the Legislative Audit Advisory Committee. With the decline of oil and gas revenue , the situation for the state is grave. Stay involved. Julie said, "When the rank and file doesn't get involved in an issue, it causes the fringe to dictate policy."She encouraged us to go online to www.legislation.la.govwhere you can see every piece of current legislation. If you see something that makes you say, "What?!?"call and ask what's going on. There's more to understand.
Jefferson Parish Councilwoman for District 5, Jennifer Van Vrancken grew up in the family business so she understands the value of a personal touch, a serious work ethic and small business. On the council they ask How can we make it better? The council makes decisions and, good or bad, you have to make it work. She encourages everyone to join the Chamber, Trade and Business Associations, and talk to your representatives. They're there for you.
Managing Partner of Gulf South Strategic and Media, Danny Ford believes diversity is necessary.We have to get the state back on track. There have been lots of bills filed to fix it so watch! Consider running, but remember it takes commitment from family and friends. Find 100 people who will financially support you. Some folks run for the wrong reason...do it for the right reason.
All encourage women to get involved, educate themselves on issues and options, contact their representatives and advocate...and consider running for office. As Jennifer said, There are sacrifices, but the passion exceeds the cost!