JUNE 21st Joint After Hours Event
NAWBO Mixing It Up with FestiGals @
the National WWII Museum's American Sector Restaurant!
On the evening of June 21st at the National WWII Museum's American Sector Restaurant, over 60 ladies joined the fun for NAWBO-NOLA's joint networking event with FestiGals! We were most fortunate to have Becky Mackie, the WWII Museum VP & CFO, share with us the background, vision and legacy of our city's great military history museum. In addition to great connections and lively conversation, The American Sector's Executive Chef, Eric Cook entertained all with stories of his past culinary adventures. Along with the Chef's Choice of farm and garden appetizers, everyone enjoyed house wines, soda and the very special Sector Lemonade. Attendees were also invited to explore the museum's "Campaigns of Courage Exhibit".
A special "thank you" goes to Sandra Dartus of FestiGals for playing a key role in helping to organize this successful event. It's always fun to mix it up with our FestiGal friends!