NAWBO provides resources that women need to grow their business!

June Joint Event with New Orleans Chamber & Goldman Sachs 10Ksb

Posted on: June 1 2018 | Posted in: Past Events
June 7th Joint Event with the New Orleans Chamber & Goldman Sachs 10Ksb
On a lovely summer evening on June 7th, NAWBO-NOLA partnered with both the NewOrleans Chamber of Commerce and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at the fabulous Springhill Suites on Canal Street. Approximately 90 business women from the community were amazed by the expansive space and fantastic 180° views of
the city!
The Iconic Women in attendance all wore "Ask Me" stickers on their nametags, allowing our guests to approach these successful women in our community for a one-on-one interaction. The bar staff kept the beverages flowing and other staff passed delicious light bites as our guests used the rooftop area for photo ops and informal gatherings and networking.
This event was yet another example of the collaboration and cooperation among several local organizations - all catering to women business owners. We have a strong desire to expose our members to as many other community business resources as possible. We firmly believe where there is connection, there is often a future business relationship!
Stay tuned for our July event, which will be a joint event with the Women's Professional Council members for a speed-networking session. We do not share many cross-over members with the WPC, so you will be able to mix and mingle with some new friends!


National Association of Women Business Owners New Orleans

NAWBO-NOLA is proud to be the premier organization supporting and representing the interests of women business owners. New Orleans, LA